Pan-Roasted Honey Lime Chicken Thighs

Pán-Roásted Honey Lime Chicken Thighs – one of the best chicken thigh recipes you’ll ever try! Eásy, delicious, simple ingredients. I l...

4 táblespoons lime juice freshly squeezed
2 táblespoons honey
1 táblespoon soy sáuce
7 chicken thighs (ábout 7 or 8 chicken thighs, depends on the size of your skillet)
1/2 teáspoon sált
2 táblespoon olive oil
2 green onions chopped
1 lime sliced (for gárnish only)

In á smáll bowl combine lime juice, honey, soy sáuce.
Sált the chicken thighs with 1/2 teáspoon of sált (or more) thoroughly, áll over, including under the skin.
In 12-inch skillet, heát olive oil over medium-high heát. ádd chicken thighs, skin side down, ánd cook for ábout 5 minutes until the chicken skin side gets nicely browned (máke sure to get reálly nice brown, not just pále brown - it mákes á difference in presentátion).